Monday, September 14, 2009

Christ on a Cracker!

- Saturday was Craigory's birthday! The big 3-5 ! Shelby and I celebrated the only way we found necessary...

Why, by giving him a turkey! Not really. Its actually a raspberry cake. As for gifts, he received a teddy bear (complete with fighting tape), a license plate, a card that made noise, and the first part of a top secret superhero story. We'll get back to that another day...

We waited behind the arena until 4pm on Sunday to give it to him, we weren't going to give up. He seemed very...confused, but nevertheless said ' you shouldn't have.' Okay, so maybe he was a little weirded out, but trust me, he got over it. 

- The Puck Drop wasn't all that great, in my opinion. Here's the article I wrote for on it.

The only excitement that came of it was seeing Drew on the ice, though it left us all wondering. 


dear GOD it is FINALLY OVER!

The funny thing is, I got the text from the Sabres Sunday morning, but for the first time ever I didn't check it. However I think God, Geico, and AT&T wanted to keep my safe until I got to Shelbys house where SHE told me. I proceeded to put my head in her lap and go  ' OH MY GOD!' for a good two minutes.

He's shocked that his Google search stats are going to plummet. Then again, I still Google him just to see the headlines (f0r now).

And 2 years, 3.8 million? I was expecting Vanek The Sequel with how long this bad boy took. The money will keep message boards from exploding, that's for sure. I was hoping for more years but obsessive compulsive weirdoes can't be choosers, right? And, I think Shelby and I will need a year off from this craziness. 

If you'll excuse me, I have to go figure out why my life existed prior to his qualifying offer. 

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