Saturday, September 4, 2010


Oh, hello there blog.

I swear I usually great ideas for blogs (or mildly good)...but then there isn't much capacity left after I have to remember my email and password to log in. Ugh.

Anywho, I motivated myself for this one. I was in the shower this morning and had a realization, other than the fact that I need a new razor. Puck Drop is two, count them TWO, weeks away! Crazy things happen when September first comes around and you realize hockey events are happening THIS MONTH.

Two weeks is nothing, and then we can actually see living, breathing HOCKEY PLAYERS. And new jerseys (bleh) and what not.

And what comes after Puck Drop? TRAINING CAMP

After training camp? PRESEASON

After PRESEASON? A small break and then...

Well, you know.

It's going to happen so quickly, so I will go through my usual stressed out rants about getting home opener tickets. This is on top of paying for Catwalk and a new passport. That's the order of my priorities sadly. The passport is not necessary until December when we head to Ottawa for possible death.

Thankfully, everyone is signed -glares at Drew Stafford- so my own irresponsibility-ness is all I have to be stressed about.

Oh, and starting school on Tuesday. Bleh.


  1. If I can quote Borat, 'very nice'.

    I think I'm more shocked over the priority of Catwalk tickets over Daniel. Since he is one of the main reasons for our Ottawa trip.

  2. not over DANIEL, over PASSPORT

  3. I was about to say the passport is preventing you from seeing Dany but who am I kidding? There are no barriers between you and that man.

  4. homeboy is coming here the week after
